Lace Closures & Lace Frontals
These two have many similarities, but the difference is the size and how they can be wore. Lace frontals cover the entire hairline. The lace closure covers a portion of the head.
Lace closures are typically sewn into one space .
Closure installs require low maintenance and are easier to maintain. Frontal installs require high maintenance and require more care than a closure install. Both frontals and closures are placed in front of the natural hairline to give a natural look, and are sometimes glued down.
Lace frontals allow for endless versatility, so you can wear it any way you like.
Closures only cover a portion of your head, so it’s not as versatile as a frontal. A closure can be parted different ways but not as many as a frontal.
​Lace Closure vs. Lace Frontal
What’s the difference?
Lace Care Tips
WRAP LACE - When sleeping, ensure you tie a silk headband or scarf around your hairline. This helps to prevent friction, which is a major source of shedding and tangling.
KEY TIPS - Do not wet the first 24 hours. Avoid heat on Lace. And when shampooing, be sure to shampoo carefully!
LOOK DON’T TOUCH - No scratching, no intense scrubbing, no combing – and try not to use poor quality hair products.
MORE GLUE - When your Lace begins to lift and needs re-gluing, remove all glue residue using 91% isopropyl alcohol to prevent excess shedding and product buildup, then re-apply lace with a lace glue.